Monday, July 30, 2018

Week 27: Round 2

I was pretty sure, when transfer calls came, that I would be transferred.  There's no way they would transfer Elder Raymond out of Trenčín, because he's the new branch president.  It has to be me that will be transferred.  When the call came, I would find out the city in which I'd spend the next 9 weeks and with whom I'd be companions.  

When we finally got the call from one of the APs (Assistants to the President), he told me, "This is really exciting.  I'm so stoked for both of you.  Elder Aillery, you... will be staying in Trenčín."  Uh oh.  Is Elder Raymond being transferred again?  He's moved cities every transfer up to this point.  That's quite unusual, not to mention stressful for him.  The AP continued: "And your companion will be... Elder Raymond.  You're both staying inTrenčín."  

Oh.  So you mean I get to sit back and relax while all the rest of the missionaries in the Czech/Slovak mission shuffle around for next transfer?  I'll take it.  

Each transfer, there's always that one guy who does our job for us.  All we did was say "hello" to someone while passing his house (he was in his yard.)  He asked us who we were. 

We said, "Missionaries."  

He asked if we had any reading for him.  Oh, did we have reading for him.  We gave him the Book of Mormon.  

He clarified that we weren't Jehova's Witnesses (that's actually a more common misconception than you might think).  

Of course we set up a return visit for Tuesday.  He even gave us a referral, for which we didn't even need to ask.  Šialené.

1, 2: behind Trenčiansky hrad

3, 4: back in Omšenie to finally pick up our prize (halušky competition)

5: not the healthiest lunch (sorry, Mom)

6: not the healthiest dinner (how am I still alive?)

7: Sister Križanová's family from Maine came for church.  Kids spoke Slovak and English. 

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