Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 67: My guy!

Last Saturday: We were returning from the city of Zvolen to Banská Bystrica when all of the sudden, three old men started talking to us, recognizing us as missionaries. One was even trying to speak to us in English.

"Where are you from?" said one.


"Huh?" they all said.


"What even is that?" Oh, they usually understand Konektikat. 

"New York."

"Ahhhhhh! You're from New York!!"


Rewind to last transfer: Elder Newell and I receive a text from someone saved as "P Martin" in our phone.  We had no idea who he is or when/how we met him.  But he wanted to meet up, so we set up.  Then we receive a text like this:

"Hey Tom, I'm going to have to cancel our meeting because I won't be in town."

So we responded: "That's okay, but there's no Tom here."  We looked back into the records of former missionaries who had served here, but we found no Tom.

He replied: "I didn't know your name, so I just saved you as Tom."  So we didn't know him, and he didn't know us.  But we were going to meet up.  We finally met with him this past week, and he's way solid.  Cool guy.


Back to Saturday: We got on the train and found a nice spot.  There were a lot of students returning to BB as well.  Out of nowhere come those three old men saying, "Where are those American boys?  Ah, there you are!"  They drew all nearby eyes to us as they sat next to us and blabbered on.  They were funny guys, making everyone around us laugh.  Then one got up and walked down the isle while the other two continued talking to us.  The other could be heard down the isle, advertising us to a group of teenagers.  Oh my.  My face turned pretty red, which happens when these things happen.

The old man returned and said excitedly, "I found a pair of able young girls!  Come talk to them!  They've never seen a boy from New York before!"  The old man went back for a moment and then returned, the two girls beside him.  The three old men excused themselves and the girls sat down.  So that was interesting, the old men thought they were setting us up, but they were really finding people for us to teach our message.

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