Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Week 26: Light Reading

Companionship Inventory is a chance to set goals for the week, review your relationship with your companion, resolve conflicts, give compliments and ask for advice.  Seeing as yesterday we had our last comp inventory before our last one, we uncovered all unresolved conflicts, not with the intent of arguing again, but to see how we could have approached those situations more tactfully with the intent of helping.  Here's what we came up with (the examples may or may not be hypothetical):

1.  Identify the problem and whose it is.  Example 1: my comp says "dobrý deň," or "hello," to everyone we walk past, and that can bug me.  Is that his problem?  No, he's not doing anything wrong.  It's my problem because I lack patience or charity towards my comp.  That's something I need to resolve on my own.  Example 2: I'm doing something wrong, and maybe I realize it, maybe not.  My comp sees it, and has the best intentions to help.  

2.  Try to help most effectively.  If this step involves waiting for the right time to bring up the issue, so be it.

3.  After giving advice, respect his right to choose for himself how he will deal with the issue.  

4.  Regardless of whether or not he accepted your counsel, show an increase of love after giving the correcting advice, "lest he esteem thee to be his enemy" (Doctrine & Covenants 121:43).

5.  Lead by example, and if necessary, wait for the right time to again bring up the issue.  

1-5.  Bojnice from last week

6.  Light reading

7.  OG squad, doing visa work (missing Elder McQuivey)

8.  Sestra Alžbeta

9.  This isn't the OG squad, but it's a squad.

10.  Trenčiansky hrad (Trencin castle)

11.  Prezident Václav, the legend

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