Monday, June 25, 2018

Week 22: Faith, Blind Loyalty, and Doubt

Which two of those from the title are related?  Faith is described in The Book of Mormon: "And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" (Alma 32:21).  

What if someone believes or hopes for things based off of it being convenient for him?  That's not real intent to find truth, which can occur in and out of religion.  That leads to blind loyalty, where one has no experience to verify the thing in which he believes.  One may cite proof, or evidence, which supports what he believes, but there are many evidences in the world that seem to conflict with one another (if we had the full picture and knew all truth, no evidence would conflict).  One must have personal experience, desiring to find truth and act on it.  

Where to start?  The scientific method goes as follows: observation, hypothesis, experiment.  I saw that faithful members of the Mormon church had a certain countenance or feel about them.  That was something that I desired.  I hypothesized that if the LDS Church was God's true church, it would help me or anyone else reach his and my potential.  I experimented, and I'm glad I did.  

I can personally tell you, based on personal experience, that if you want to find truth and are willing to act on the truth you find, read the Book of Mormon, take discussions from the missionaries if you're not a member, do what you can to find out if this is God's church.  I promise if you're sincere in your search, you will find out that it is true as I have.  

But don't take my word for it.

1, 2. Sestra Alžbeta (looks a little like Bob's mom Regina)

3.  Comp doing his thing

4, 5. District meetings can get crazy

6. This looks pretty communist

10, 11. Pretty wild thunder storm

12. Brat Sharp's trainer! Served here 4 years ago. (Sharp was one of my MTC teachers.)

Everything else is just sick scenery 

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