Thursday, June 21, 2018

Week 21: до свидания

Maybe some of you are wondering why I sent my group email 2 minutes before curfew.  I'll have you know that we were kept out late for a good purpose, and we technically didn't break any rules.  But that's a story for after the mish.

I bought chicken nuggets about a week ago.  They looked American enough, so I figured I'd just heat 'em up in the microwave one day and have a quick, easy meal.  When it finally came time to eat them, my companion had made pasta.  "No way," I told him, "I've been waiting to eat these nuggets, so I'm gonna eat them."  So I heated them for a few minutes in the microwave, but they came out cold.  Hm.  Gave them another couple of minutes, still cold.  Third time's a charm, they finally came out warm.  Just as I went to take a bite out of one... what the?!  They were raw!  Great.  I wasted so much time by then and my food still wasn't ready.  I tried cooking them on the stove, but that didn't go well.  The pan was slightly tilted, so half of the nuggets were bathed in vegetable oil and half were untouched.  It was quite the contrast.  I don't know where to rank that experience on my many failed cooking attempts.  [That would be below mac and cheese and above his attempt to hard boil eggs.  Once, I asked him to hard boil 24 eggs.  He cracked open 24 eggs into a pot, covered them with water and turned the burner on high.  It was the worst.]

In the middle of our church meeting, a lady walked in whom none of us recognized.  Turns out, she came from Ukraine seeking work.  From the hotel in which she stayed, she walked 20 kilometers to a bus station, and then a bus took her to Trenčín where we had church.  I was blown away!  She brought two of her friends who were not members of the church, and they didn't speak a lick of English nor Slovak (they spoke Russian/Ukrainian.)  Only the member spoke... something.  Some mixture of Polish/Russian/Ukrainian, but thankfully she understood Slovak completely.  Amazing we even understood her at all.  

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