Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 20: Sleeping on the Job

A few examples to illustrate how tired my companion and I are in the mornings:

Woke up.  Companion said, "Do we really need to exercise if we have Sport's Night tonight?"

"You already know!" I said.  He hit that snooze button so hard.  (We won't do that again, I promise xD)

Another morning, we woke up and began our prayers.  I finished first, and then just sat on my bed for a while.  Wow, my companion sure has been praying for a while.  Wait, did he fall asleep?  To test my theory, I turn on my electric razor for a second to make some noise.  Sure enough, he begins to stretch as he wakes up.  Klasický.


We participated in an annual halušky-making contest.  There were quite a few people there and around 8 teams participating.  Of course, we were the only Americans, so it was no surprise to anyone when we showed up without some necessities to make halušky.  But miraculously, there were kind people there who helped us get what we needed, so shout-out to them.  Our team name was "Mormoni."  We had to catch our bus back to Trenčín before we found out who won, so I'll keep you posted.

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