Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 53: Starší Rasmussen, milujeme ťa!

The title of this email is the name of a song I came up with in the MTC.  You may remember that we were companions then.  I'm not sure how much he liked it at the time, but it went something like this (to the tune of "Family History" in the Children's Song Book):

Starší Rasmussen, milujeme ťa,
náš Starší Rasmussen!

Elder Rasmussen, we love you, 
our Elder Rasmussen!

Because of my singing it, all my companions to my current one are very familiar with the words and tune.  Finally, at the 26. December conference in Bratislava, I performed it for the talent show by singing and playing it on the piano.  Now, it's known by every missionary serving in Slovakia and some from the Czech Republic.  Even President Pohořelický has been caught singing it in his Czech rendition.  He got so excited when he found out it was a children's primary song that he downloaded the instrumental version onto his phone.  


This past week, we had training again in Bratislava.  The train ride would be 6 hours back to Prešov.  Elder Papworth and I were walking to the train station with the Elders serving in Košice.  We were carrying suitcases, backpacks, and a few boxes with necessary missionary supplies.  From what we could tell, we were going to catch our train with a few minutes to spare.  But Elder Papworth and I still hadn't bought our tickets.

At the train station, Elder Papworth goes to buy both of our tickets.  So I'm left alone at the bottom of a short flight of stairs with a suitcase and a big box.  Well, looks like I'm going to have to bring this stuff up the stairs by myself.  So I tuck the box under one arm and grab the suitcase in the other and start hauling.  At the top of the stairs, I don't see Elder Papworth at any of the ticket booths.  

So a feeling of panic hits me.  Did he get on the train with the Košice Elders?  I wait a few minutes but still no sign of Elder Papworth.  This is getting ridiculous.  The train leaves in 6 minutes.  Elder Papworth has the phone.  I'm carrying a box and a suitcase.  I'm not trying to miss my train again (it's happened once before), so I tuck the box under my arm once again and haul it down the stairs leading to the platforms.  Before getting on my train, I take one last look around.  No Papworth in sight.  

It's very hard to maneuver through the isle with a BIG BOX.  So I come to the end of a cart and see a girl standing there.  I poke my head out the door.  There is no one.  I ask the girl:

"This train goes to Kysak, right?"

The girl checks her phone.  "Yep."

Nice.  Just wanted to make sure.  "Will you watch my stuff?"

"Of course."

So I leave everything with her and go through the train.  Guess who I find?  Elder Papworth.


(This is the same story, but from Elder Papworth's perspective.)

Elder Papworth goes to buy our tickets on the lower level, the level we were already on before I went up the short flight of stairs.  That's probably why I couldn't see him.  Would have been nice to know that they existed.  He buys the tickets, turns around, and can't find me.  He decides to go onto the train and hopes I have the same idea ;)

Stay within sight and sound of your companion!  

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