Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 50: To je duch

We've ordered another box of copies of the Book of Mormon, but they haven't come yet.  So we're working with only a handful.  People can't take them from us so easily.  Only to those who have real interest in meeting would we give our remaining books.  

While tracting, we came across a lady that stood in her doorway, not really wanting to hear us out at all, but she did have slight interest in the Book of Mormon.  

"How much does it cost?" she said, referring to the Book of Mormon.

"It's free," I said, the words slipping out of my mouth by habit, not remembering that we were on very short supply.  All of the sudden, she took the book out of my hands and in a slight panic, I said, "Will you read it?"

"Yes," she said unconvincingly as she swung the door shut.

"Can we come back sometime and talk more---"

*door slams*

I've placed better.  


Yesterday, we were fasting, which includes skipping two meals (for me, usually breakfast and lunch).  I was hungry, and we were coming home from Spišská Nová Ves's church service.  It was late, and the train ride home takes a while.  We had a prestup (I don't know how that word translates) in Kysak.  Did I mention I was hungry?  There was a vending machine with a Twix in it.  Wow, I just happen to have 60 cents in my pocket!  

Not trying to be a buzzkill, my companion reminded me that we don't buy things on Sunday.  Oh.  I knew that, I was just waiting for him to remind me.  So I stood by the vending machine for a few minutes, letting the temptation grow stronger (bad idea).  I decided to sit down, for I figured that I could still decide to buy the Twix later.  

Well, our train came and we left, the temptation still being as strong as ever.  So I kept the commandment to not unnecessarily buy things on Sunday (causing others to work on the Sabbath), but I did it pretty grudgingly.  Still better than straight breaking of the commandment, I guess.  But it would be even better to keep the commandment with a good attitude.  That's what I'm trying to figure out how to do, to actively change my desires and attitude.  It's pretty hard.  If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

[This is his mother speaking:  Buying a candy bar from a vending machine is NOT breaking the Sabbath!!  What household did he grow up in anyway?!]

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