Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 52: Nemám čas

Vážne, nemám teraz čas.  Ďakujem za pochopenie.  Boli sme zas v Tatrách, asi preto niet času nazvyš.  Dúfam, že sa Vám páčia fotky minulého týždňa.  Knižnica bude o chviľu zatvorená.

Okay, so I got kicked out of the library before I could translate that.  The Holts are kind enough to let us finish emailing at their place.

Seriously, I don't have time right now.  Thanks for understanding.  We were again in the Tatras, that's probably why there's no time to spare.  I hope that you like the photos from last week.  The library will be closed in a moment.

But all of the sudden, I have more time.

On the way to the Tatras this morning, we happened to board the train at the same time as our comrade from last week's email.  Had the same outfit on with his axe and all.  He didn't talk so much this time.  


Also, I lost our phone.  Seems like such a big deal right now, but I'm confident everything will be resolved in the future.  I don't, however, want to casually brush it off by saying, "These things happen," because there seem to be very important lessons to learn here.  Firstly, transfer all information from the phone to the Area Book.  Do it daily.  Our Area Book was quite up to date, but unfortunately, there were a few contacts lost that will not be recovered.  Secondly, keep all valuable possessions in a safe place, especially on hikes through deep snow.  Thirdly, be patient.  What's happened has happened, and keeping your head won't do anything but help things work out for your good.  Losing your mind will do the opposite. 

These first three pictures look like a missionary posing with a Miles cardboard cutout.

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