Monday, December 31, 2018

Week 49: Dobrú chuť

My dad's going to like this email, because it shows that even in Slovakia (with all the classic food they have here) it's possible to run into something that's just hard to choke down.  He always used to tell me, "Eat this nasty food that I put in front of you so that you can practice for your mission!"  Well, that practice finally payed off.  [For the record, I never served my children nasty food.  ~Mary]

We were invited on Sunday by the other missionaries to go to church in Poráč and Spišská Nová Ves (instead of Košice).  We had the first service in a member's home.  It was a very humble setting with a fireplace and just enough room to fit the 13 people in attendance.  It felt as if we were at that first church meeting in 1830 with Joseph Smith, which is cool, because it was the first church meeting in Poráč!  

After that first meeting, we had time to visit some people in Poráč before our church service in SNV.  So I went on a mini exchange with Elder Barton.  The last people we visited was the family that was at church (not the member).  I don't know if you know what a Gypsy is, but these people are Gypsies.  Of course, they brought out a dish of food.  The usual bread with meat disks.  We were expected to put the meat disks on the bread and eat it.  Okay, not the worst thing ever, but also not the best, and we had to eat it.  I remembered what my dad told me about eating food to be polite, so I made my "sandwich" and went to eat it.  Elder Barton did the same, but just before he took a bite, he said:

"Oh, I forgot, but I'm fasting."

You're kidding.  

All eyes turned on me.  So now I have to carry weight for two.  In the middle of choking down that sandwich, mine and Elder Barton's companions walked into the house.

"Wow!" I said, "You're just in time for this delicious food!  Eat up!"

Elder Clayton was also fasting, as luck would have it.  But I convinced everyone that I was full, and Elder Papworth, my dear companion, finished the remaining bread and meat disks.  I will forever be thankful.

This is Elder Barton just before we pranked my mom, having him on Skype instead of me. This was also his face in Poráč when he remembered that he was fasting, which meant he didn't have to eat those sandwiches.

Squad that went to church in Poráč and SNV. Me, Elder Clayton, Elder Barton, Elder Papworth.

3rd attempt at trying to create the Wazzup dictionary. Pretty good.

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