Monday, December 3, 2018

Week 45: I've Been Dreaming of a White Russia

"Belarus" in Slovak is "Bielorusko" which, being interpreted, means "White Russia."  

"Yugoslavia" in Slovak is "Juhoslavia".  "Juh" means south, so "Juhoslavia" means "South Slavic Region".  Usually, whenever you have an "H" in Slovak, Russian has a "G".  Thus we return to "Yugoslavia".

The more you know.


Why did Heavenly Father send us to earth to live by faith?  Why can't we just know for sure that He exists, then progress that way?  Good questions.  I'm not sure I can answer them completely for myself yet, but I can tell you that my understanding of the principle of faith has increased while on my mission.  Case in point: While walking along the streets, I ran into a bunch of school-aged Ukrainians.  They were passing around some cigarettes.  Sometimes, it's awkward to talk to young kids, because all they do is laugh.  But Elder McQuivey's motto is this: "If they're old enough to smoke, they're old enough to hear the gospel."  So we approached them with the regular "approach."  They seemed rather uninterested.  Shocker.  

I asked, "Do you believe in God?"

One kid: "Yes."

Me: "God wants us to be healthy, to take care of our bodies.  He doesn't want us to smoke."

Him: "Everyone has his own opinion."

Me: "It's not an opinion that smoking is bad for your body."

Once upon a time, smoking was generally accepted to be a healthy practice.  God revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith otherwise.  This case proves that just because we know that a principle is true, that doesn't mean that we live according to our knowledge.  

This stud, Elder McCallister, goes home this week to Alaska.

This stud just got called to be assistant to the president. Wow, he's not even halfway done his mission.

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