Monday, November 26, 2018

Week 44: Máš mozog?

Školenie (training) is when all the missionaries in our zone, i.e. in all of Slovakia, get together and get taught by our zone leaders, assistants to the president, and President and his wife.  At one part of the training, President and his wife pretended to be investigators while a pair of sister missionaries taught the restoration.  Afterward, we were invited to give our thoughts about what went well and what could be improved.  

So I raised my hand and said, "They checked for understanding," because that's what should be done while teaching people so you are sure they are following along.  I didn't get why the whole room was silent after that comment and why President had a surprised look on his face.  

"What does he mean?" asked President to the missionary next to him, then everyone broke into laughter.  Turns out, the sentence I said had a totally different meaning than what I had intended.  The word I said for "understanding" was "rozum", so instead of saying that they checked to see whether the investigators understood, I said they checked to see if the investigators had any brains.  


At a meeting with Peter Gabčo, we were talking about his preparation for baptism, so what better than to read the baptismal interview questions!  Everything was going fine, until we got to the question, "Have you ever committed a serious crime?"

"I killed..." said Peter with a sinister smile on his face.  His son started to giggle.

"R... really?" I asked.  You can never be too sure.

"... a fly," he finished, his son bursting into laughter.  Elder McQuivey and I, sweating bullets, gave him fist-bumps.  He got us good.

Milan, an investigator of ours

Jozef, one of our investigators, who is deaf. We teach him using a white board.

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