Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 43: Takzvaný "Gregory"

Finally, a picture of Elder Hamilton, whom I knew even before the mission, who goes home in two weeks.

One day (keď sme oslovovali ľudí po ulici) (when we addressed people along the street), we were being watched by a young boy who didn't look appropriately dressed for the season, large backpack on his shoulders.  I was wondering whether he would ask us for spare change, but he just kept watching.  He would walk several paces ahead of us when we were walking, but when we tried talking with someone, the kid would stop and watch until we started walking again.  

"Hello," I said.  

"What are you doing?"  he asked.  

"We're telling people about this blue book and why it's so important."  Just then, another person walked by, with whom we tried to talk, but he just walked on by.  I said to the kid, "Sometimes, people just don't want to hear."  

We continued onward like so for a while.  Turns out, he was 9 years old and not homeless, just inappropriately dressed.  His name was the Slovak equivalent to Gregory.  Finally, the kid had to depart, so we shook his hand and parted ways.  10 to 20 minutes later, he spotted us and ran up to greet us!  I don't know why this story had such an impact on me, but it was cool to spend time with some kid off the street, and at the same time he had a chance to see what missionary work was like.

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