Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 5

Why would one steal spoons?  No one knows, but a third of all the MTC's metal spoons are missing.  Thousands of spoons, gone.  Although this is a problem that occurs each year, it is particularly bad this year.  There was a dorm from which Elders had just left.  While the cleanup crew went through that dorm, they found a suitcase which was left behind.  It was full of spoons from the cafeteria.  

The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the fullness of His gospel.  Devotional's speaker spoke on the archaeological evidences which proved The Book of Mormon's truthfulness.  There were quite a few, but none of them could give you a testimony of Jesus Christ.  But through reading it and applying its principles, the Holy Ghost will testify of its truthfulness to you through quiet, peaceful feelings, if you have sincere desire to know.

Day 30 - Thurs (22 Feb)
I lost my key.

Day 31 - Fri (23 Feb)
Tomorrow is Saturday.  My hip does not feel good.

Day 32 - Sat (24 Feb)
Conversation between my roommates, Elders Ludlow and McArthur:

M: We haven't been following up with people on the commitments we give them.

L: *clearly in disagreement* What do you mean?

M: I mean you -- and I -- haven't been following up with people on the commitments we give them.  By the way, I lost my pen, hope I find it.

Day 33 - Sun (25 Feb)
Found my pen.  If I memorize all the content on my Slovak Grammar Card by the end of the week, Brat Sharp (one of my teachers) will treat me to dinner after my mission in Slovakia.  I only have today left.

Day 34 - Mon (26 Feb)
White tie day.  Fail to memorize my Slovak Grammar Card.  Bummer, I really wanted that dinner.

Day 35 - Tues (27 Feb)
As we exit devotional, a few of our Elders get thrown up on, vomit covering one of their suits.  Good luck washing that out.

Repentance is a wonderful doctrine.  Through Jesus Christ, we can become clean of our past transgressions and improve.  Recently, I taught this principle in a role-playing lesson, but it went terribly wrong as you'll see.  My teacher was the investigator, as always.  Our lesson was in the slovak language, so I did not have a clear understanding of all that was being said.  However, I had a general understanding of the converation.

"This verse from the Book of Mormon teaches about repentance," I said as I thought I handed him Helaman 5:10-11.  In reality, the book was open to Helaman 10:10-11.  It reads as follows:

10 And behold, if ye shall say that God shall smite this people, it shall come to pass.
11 And now behold, I command you, that ye shall go and declare unto this people, that thus saith the Lord God, who is the Almighty: Except ye repent ye shall be smitten, even unto destruction.
"What do you think of that scripture?" I asked as he finished reading, having no idea what he had just read.  Shortly thereafter, I realized the reason for the confused look on his face. 

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