Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 6

"Wait!" yells Elder McQuivey, or Starší Slovník, which means Elder Dictionary (more on that later).  Why is he telling me to wait?  Let me set the scene.  I have a one-seater couch in my arms with which I intend to run down the hall and into the other room.  That way, we'll have two couches in the same room!  One problem: there's a teacher passing.  If he sees us walking through the hallway with a couch, he may take issue with that.  "Okay," says Starší Slovník as the teacher passes, "We're clear."  I run straight down the hallway, holding a couch.  Enough about me, how's your week going?

President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, spoke for devotional on Tuesday.  The whole session was a Q&A, so any missionary from the lot of us could have asked any question.  The first question was a boomer.  Here it is:  "As part of LDS doctrine, we believe that those who did not receive the gospel in this life will have a chance to do so in the next.  Why then is there such emphasis for missionary work now?"  This was the essence of his answer:  It is easier to repent in this life while we have ample opportunity to choose Christ over sin.  His answer reminded me of a saying I once heard: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is now.

Day 41 - Mon (5 Mar)
Starší Slovník (Elder Dictionary) earned his nickname by learning such arbitrary words as zelezobetónový (meaning "reinforced concrete").  He may never use that word, ever.

Day 43 - Wed (7 Mar)
New Elder joins the residence!  His name is Elder Cottam, and he's going to Bulgaria.  We've been starved of new Elders for 6 weeks, so he received quite the welcome.

Part of Zone 12 at Provo Temple

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