Monday, February 25, 2019

57: Závislosť od kázania evanjelia

So you remember that kid from a couple emails ago?  The one who's email I thought was fake?  We had a meeting with him, and he’s showing interest in getting baptized.  He’s also a lot cooler than we are because he’s going to the Olympics for Judo, as he’s ranked #1 in Slovakia and #4 in Europe.  Do you have cool investigators?

Language study can be relaxing, and we get an hour for it on a regular day.  We usually schedule language study at the end of the day so we could just relax.  It’s like coming home after a long day and watching football.  

On one particular day, we were on our way home to do language study, but my companion kept talking to people on the way, and our study would start in a few minutes.  What was I supposed to say?  “Stop trying to save people’s souls, I’m trying to get to my favorite study!”  That wouldn’t fly, so I held my peace.  A potential hour of study turned into a half hour, then 15 minutes, as we continued to talk to an endless supply of people.  

Finally, we were on the walkway to our flat as we walked by two guys, but we didn’t talk to them.  We walked into the building.  As my companion was about to unlock the door to our flat, he stopped and said, “We need to talk to those guys.”  Oh.  So we went and did so.  

Is there such thing as being “too good” of a missionary?  I don’t think so.  My companion is probably one of the best missionaries on the planet.  But we didn’t have any language study that day.  That’s okay, though.

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