Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 31: Poho a kamaráti (Poho and friends)

Once per transfer, each missionary has an opportunity to have an interview with Prezident Pohořelický, who has stewardship over all missionaries in the Czech/Slovak mission.  While Elder Raymond was having his interview, I sat in a room with six other missionaries.  When Elder Raymond's interview ended, he came out and Prezident Poho pointed directly and sternly at me.  I pointed at myself just to make sure.  He confirmed.  As I entered through the doorway, Prezident said, "This will only take a moment."  When the door swung shut, he started to slap his hand repeatedly, and I screamed as if I were receiving the worst beating of my life.  


Now I understand more fully the difference between learning by study and learning by doing.  If someone is missing a piece of information, he can acquire it through study.  That's different than already knowing something to be true and trying to live according to it.  

For instance, it's hard to let go of anger towards another, although I know that's what I should do.  That learning takes time, effort, patience, and practice.  There are many who say, "If I saw a sign from heaven, then I would believe in God."  

I would argue that learning to walk by faith is a blessing.  Imagine if we had a perfect knowledge that God existed, but we still had all these imperfections.  That would not be good for our progression.  This life is a time to learn through experience, and God knows that it's best done by faith.  

Samozrejme sa popis nachádza s každou fotkou (Of course the description is with every photo)

Perhaps the last time seeing Ján and Katka during my time in Trenčín

It's not what it looks like.

In the byt (flat)

Dubnica nad Váhom

Dubnica nad Váhom

Dubnica nad Váhom






Zone training

Nespýtaj sa (Do not ask yourself.)

See those Kofola mugs? They're mine to keep. Score.

Na zdravie

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