Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Week 30: Som klavirista zas ("I'm a pianist again")

It was a Saturday, and I still hadn't prepared my talk for the next day.  Uh-oh.  Then I realized that I was the only pianist in our branch, which meant I had the opportunity to slow down the Sacrament Meeting hymns to my pleasing.  That would cut down my time so I wouldn't have to speak as long.  It didn't really work, but it was a good idea.  


While getting milkshakes in the pub (Elder Raymond tells me it wasn't a pub), we hear thick American accents, and for the first time it wasn't from us.  So we approached the two guys on the couch and asked, "Are you from America?"  They were, shocker.  They had a Slovak mom and a Czech dad, but lived in Minnesota.  Sweet.  So we "smoothly" transitioned the conversation into why we're here as missionaries.  They were mind-blown that Elder Raymond had just finished high-school before coming on a mission.  We got their numbers and sent them to the missionaries in America.  See?  Missionary work isn't so hard if you can connect with people.

When in doubt, Slav Squat.

Whoever's son that is should be proud.

Eva and Peter welcomed us into their home.

Škoda ("it is a pity")

They were cute, but I'm not gonna lie, they kinda sketched me out.

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Bible with pics for each story

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