Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Week 29: I Speak Slovak

We went to deliver a letter to and visit one of our less-active members, who doesn't attend church regularly because of a problem with her heart.  We arrived at her panelák, and immediately one of her neighbors recognized us as missionaries.  She knew we were there to visit our dear member, so she forbade us from doing so, because she was "sick."  Yeah, we know.  We're here to help.  The lady (red hair) didn't care and still forbade us, but she left on her bike to work.  She looked back as she rode off into the distance, but Elder Raymond and I remained frozen.  As soon as she disappeared around the corner, we unfroze and went to ring the doorbell.  We were welcomed in gladly!

Inside, we were seated on her couch, then all of the sudden, the doorbell rang.

"Watch it be the redhead," I whispered to Elder Raymond.  Then all of the sudden... BOOM!  A lady stormed into the room.  It was the redhead!  

"I KNEW IT!" she exclaimed, "you understood me perfectly, but you went on anyway!  If she dies, IT'S ON YOUR HEADS!"  It suffices to say that she was pretty mad.  Elder Raymond panicked a bit, but then he looked at my face.  He described it as "guiltless."  Highlight of the transfer!  


While tracting the other day, a lady pokes her head out the window and starts speaking clean Czech.  

"Are you from the Czech Republic?" asks Elder Raymond.  

"What?!  How did you know?" she says.

"Aren't you speaking Czech?" We ask.

"I speak Slovak," she replies in Czech.


I may never have a similar opportunity as I have now to learn Slovak and grow spiritually at such a speed.  Having that in mind, it sometimes feels as though I only have 2 years to do everything I can, then that's the end.  In reality, nie je to tak (it's not like that).  All the small habits I learn here will continue with me throughout life.  So although I may never again see such rapid growth, the majority of my learning and growth will be spread out throughout life.  

Yeah, that's an ice cream, PPJ sandwich.

Fight to the death, obviously.

Special guests: Chris, his wife, and Brat Sharp. Had interesting discussion about linguistics with Chris, don't know what Sharp and the sisters were talking about.

Legenda. Brat Sharp no longer works at the MTC, so he's visiting all the cities in Slovakia where there are missionaries. We were fortunate to get him on a P-day (basically the freest day for missionaries, but not really "free"). It was fun to speak a bit of Slovak with him now that I actually know what he's saying (and what I'm saying). Not a day goes by where we don't imitate this guy, of which he's aware now.


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