Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 15: Blísko New Yorku

Walking in the park along the river, I see a group of teenage kids.  Uh-oh.  Actually, they turned out to be quite cool.

"Where are you from?" one of them asks.


*blank stares*

"Hm.  Kon-nekt-ee-koot?"

"Ah!  Konektikut!  Poznáme."

Street-contacting is usually the most dreadful part of the day (for me, at least), but earlier this week we met a way cool guy.  He didn't like church too much because his parents made him go when he was a child.  However, he still had some belief in God.  We taught him that faith is like a seed, which seed you must plant in your heart.  If it's a good seed, it will grow and bring forth good fruit, or in other words, you will see a positive change in your life.  (The Book of Mormon, Alma 32)  From the beginning to the end of the conversation, he changed his mind from not willing to read the Book of Mormon to willing.  That's pretty good.

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