Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Week 13: Mitch, the Castle Destroyer

"Stop!" cries Elder Akina as Mitch hurls a gigantic boulder off the side of the castle.  I'm not sure if Elder Akina is concerned for the castle or if he just wants to catch this on film.  He's taking out his camera, so I'll let you decide.  Mitch, you've never met anyone like him.  In one moment everything is normal, then suddenly he's destroying a castle in Nitra.  Watch out, America!  He's coming to New York in two weeks.

We met a lady in the park who basically did our job for us.  

Set expectations: "You guys talk about Jesus Christ, right?" 

Set up meeting: "Come to my house in Zobor."  

Exchange contacts: Actually, we had to do this one.  

After that, we met a lady who threatened to call the police on us, that much of her shouting I understood.  We seriously meet people from all over the spectrum.  

Mitch: The Castle Destroyer [though I don't see any boulders being hurled.  ~Mare]

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