Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 106: Best wingman

Our friend that we go to trivia night with every week has been doing our work for us. The other day, he was telling me about a 5-minute phone call he had with his sister, trying to convince her that meeting with people from our church "isn't that bad". He worked his magic and she ended up meeting with missionaries in the city she studies in. They used the meeting as an opportunity to help her practice her English. 

Later, I got a message from this friend, saying he managed to get a very rare roast on Elder Nicholls, one of the missionaries that met with his sister. It truly was "too epic not to share". He sent me a screenshot of their conversation:

Elder Nicholls: "You're sister is better than you at English."

Friend: "And both of us are better than you are. I'd never confuse you're and your."


The other day, I was talking with someone on the bus (as you do when you're a missionary). Then we switched to English. The guy across from me, who had been silent up to that point, blurted out, "Where are you from? I can't pinpoint it." At this point, I usually say "New York", but when people speak English, I'm inclined to be more specific.

"I'm from Connecticut," I said.

"No way," he said. "Stamford?"

"THAT'S MY HOME TOWN," I said, jaw dropped to the ground. I'll be honest, meeting someone from my city might have been a shock in Bratislava, or even Prague. But Banská Bystrica? Turns out my man lived in Stamford for 4 years growing up. I still got some time here, so we agreed to meet up for a drink. We have a lot to diskutovať.

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