Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Week 105: Nicholls and Dimes

I always time our exchanges to line up with quiz night so that our friends there can get to know more missionaries. Pretty smart, huh? When we arrived, one of our friends was already there. He had just returned from a trip to Jordan, so we hadn't been able to meet with him in a while. While we were catching up, a waitress came and asked if we'll have anything to drink...

"Not for me."



She was a bit annoyed and told us that we had to order something to participate in quiz night. That's a lie, but whatever. Elder Nicholls and I each ordered overpriced lemonade. 

When the final member of our team arrived, the teahouse was getting pretty full. All of the sudden, we were informed that we could not participate as a team because no one signed our team up in advance. The one friend ditched and joined another team while the friend who just arrived, Elder Nicholls and I were kicked out. "We're not staying for the lemonade," I told the waitress. Hey, we saved 6 euros altogether, so it was a win in my book.

Our friend, though disappointed, gladly walked us to our bus stop so we could go home. Our conversation somehow ended up being about Elder Nicholls' love of soda.

"It's really bad," said our friend. "It's like sin."

I chimed in: "You know what protects us against sin? The Book of Mormon."

"Why did you have to go there...?" said our friend.

Elder Nicholls: "I'll make you a deal. For ever cup of soda I don't drink, you have to read a chapter from the Book of Mormon."

Friend: "That's easy for you."

Nicholls: "No, I love soda!" Then our bus finally came. We shook hands and our friend began walking away. "Stop drinking soda," he said. "It destroys you!"

Nicholls: "So does not reading the Book of Mormon!" Boom, roasted. Then the bus doors closed.

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