Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 90: -18: HALF — PAST — SIX

Sometime this last week, Elder Clayton asked me who were to give talks this Sunday. My lack of an answer told him that he and I were likely to do so because I hadn't assigned anyone anything.

Sunday morning before church, Elder Clayton sat at the table jotting down some notes about what he'd do for his talk. He finished relatively quickly.

"Are you prepared?" I asked.

"Yeah, totally," he answered.

"What about second hour?"

"We'll wing it!" said a grinning Elder Clayton. Well, alright.

As we hurried out the door to catch our bus, he asked me what I was going to speak on. I still had no idea. 

A half an hour before church started, I found some scriptures and thought of stories related to... I don't know, enduring to the end? Classic. 

Me: "Hey, Elder Clayton, can you play a musical number?" If he could, we wouldn't have to speak for so long. 

Elder Clayton: "I'll think of something."

Church started at 10. It went normally according to the program up to when Elder Clayton spoke. He ended at half past 10. Okay, not bad at all. But now I had to speak for 25 minutes. Just after Elder Clayton finished his talk, he glanced at me and I motioned for him to do his musical number. He gave me the look that says, "I gotchu, fam."

So I forget how long exactly I had to speak for, but I ended at about 10:55, just in time to conclude with a song and prayer. 

After we survived both hours of church, Elder Clayton said, "Oh, I forgot how fun church is in Slovakia!" He had spent the last transfer in Brno, Czech Republic, where the church is a lot more established.


During a call with the assistants and the zone leaders from the west zone, we were figuring out who could take what for exchanges in Prague: October 25 or November 1. We said the 25th would not work for us, as the day before was already completely planned (and packed).

Elder Smith (assistant) to us: "When's your latest meeting on the 24th?" 

Me: "At HALF — PAST — SIX." The way I said it was somewhat of an inside joke. 

Elders Webb and Clayton were laughing.

Elder Mangum: "I feel like we're the only ones who don't get it."

Wolfenbarger from offscreen: "No, I get it."

Mangum: "I guess I'M the only one who doesn't get it."

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