Monday, September 9, 2019

Week 84: ???

So, I've been sending emails late by several weeks, missing a few weeks here and there. Therefore, I've lost track of what week it is (oops). 

I wrote an email a while ago about the letter vs. spirit of the law. I still stand by most of it, but I said something to the effect of how the spirit of the law is only lived in the realm of the letter of the law. Well, I recently listened read a talk that changed my view on that. I'll include the link at the end, pokiaľ you're interested ("pokiaľ" just means "if" or "as far as". It's a funny word because it sounds like I'm saying "poke y'all".)


We're teaching a family with lots of kids. It's always fun when we go over, especially since they make us cake. At the end of our last meeting, their son found out we liked chess and brought out a chess board. 

"We would play," I said, "but we have to run. We should definitely meet up sometime and have a tourney."

There was a moment of silence before the dad broke it by telling his son: "If they beat you, you have to join their church."

"Deal," we said. But then he added:

"If he beats you, you have to join our church." So I'm going to have to practice with my companion. If you don't hear from me next week, you know why. 


Every once in a while, I'll learn something new about Slovak grammar and think to myself, How on earth have I survived til now without knowing this? The same thing just happened in the realm of real life. I've never thought much about what I eat, but I heard a BYU speech about health. I'll post it, and poke y'all you want, you can look at that one, too.


Fun video about P-day a few missionaries put together (I should point out that P-day is not on Saturday):

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