Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Week 75: Čas kráča

As I look back on my mission, it seems like so much has happened since I started to now.  As I was caught in this thought, I said to Elder Akina, "Holy cow, time is flying!"  Then I thought about it some more and realized... yeah, it really has felt like I've been here a while.  Time isn't flying, but rather it's going at its normal pace, as it should.  Time is walking.


The other day, we were walking by a lake and approached a couple sitting on a bench.  

"Don't even try, we're atheists," said the woman pretty much straight off the bat.  

"Oh," we said.  "Are you from around here, though?"

Them: "Yeah, are you?"

Us: "No, we're from America."

Him (in English): "So we can speak English, if it is easier for you."

Her (in Slovak): "But they need to practice Slovak!"

Him: "But really guys, we're Catholics and aren't interested in changing our religion."

Her: "Are we?  I told them we were atheists."

Then he just stared at her with a blank expression and we thought it was a good time to walk away.


We're having a change of mission presidents.  President Pohořelický's mission has come to an end.  President Gehring should be fun, though.  He's from Washington State.

Something must have hit him really hard during studies.

Got 'em.

When the bishopric calls on Saturday and asks you to give a talk on Sunday.

Drazí přátelé. Tři nádherné roky jsou za námi. Že to ale uteklo. Děkujeme všem za přátelství, podporu a úžasné duchovní zážitky. Jsme a navždy budeme vděční za tuto zkušenost a vše, co jsme se naučili. Misionáři - vždy budete v našich srdcích a mysli. Dear Friends, Three beautiful years are now behind us. It flew by. Thank you all for your friendship, support and amazing spiritual experiences. We are eternally grateful for this experience and all that we have learned. Missionaries - you will always be in our hearts and minds.

The search is over.

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