Thursday, February 15, 2018

Week 3

If I ever again take a Sunday nap, it will not be in the common room.  

As missionaries, we expect those investigating the church to have true intentions of seeking truth, which is a good expectation to have. However, do we the missionaries also have true intentions? For example, we're taught to ask questions and get to know those we teach. In doing so, are our intentions true? Do we care about them, or are we as robots following a method? Do we want to help them come unto Christ? Teach people, not lessons.

Thursday (8 Feb)
For class, the opening song we sing is Hymn 58, Come, Ye Children of the Lord (Hymn 4 in the Slovak Hymnbook). It's a pretty good hymn.

I go door-to-door preaching with one of the Polish Elders, Elder McArthur, this time on the 4th and 1st floors of our dorm. As everyone on this campus is a missionary, this activity is just for fun. We speak our different languages, Polish and Slovak. The missionaries we teach can't understand a word of what we say, but our message gets across somehow. I wonder why.

Friday (9 Feb)
Again, the song we sing for class is Hymn 58.

Saturday (10 Feb)
And again, we sing Hymn 58, this time for both the afternoon and evening classes. It's becoming somewhat of a tradition at this point. My companion, Elder Rasmussen, is not happy about singing the same song 3 days in a row.

Sunday (11 Feb)
The entirety of my zone is on board with singing Hymn 58, and each district in our zone sings it in every class as the opening song. If we could sing it in Sacrament Meeting, we would, but we can't.

Devotional: this is when all missionaries in the MTC meet in one building to hear a guest speaker. Wouldn't it be cool if, by some extraordinary odds, we sing Hymn 58 for devotional? The man conducting the meeting steps up to the podium and says, "Our opening hymn will be Hymn 58, Come, Ye Children of the Lord." The whole zone is exuberant, except Elder Rasmussen. He looks ready to die, but even he finds some humor in it.

Monday (12 Feb)
Elder Ames! We were good friends before the mission. He will serve his mission in Utah, so he'll be out of the MTC before me.





Provo Temple

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