Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Week 101: Otvoriť si vineu po americky

Best missionary work I've ever done? Being in the home of a family of eight playing Hedbanz and picking from a variety of American candies they received from an acquaintance.

Me: "I'll do you a favor and taste test all of it to make sure it's the real deal."

Eldest son: "Wow. Look at you truly fulfilling your missionary service."

Me: "Don't mention it."

I was eating cake with one hand while opening a box of Ritz crackers with the other. Everyone watched in wonderment as I opened a sleeve single-handedly... I mean with one hand. 

"That's how they open crackers in America," said the dad. "Right?"

"Huh? Oh, that's right," I lied. We're allowed to lie sometimes.

"Really?" said one of the kids. "Is that how you open soda, too?" They brought out a liter of grape soda.

"Yes," I said confidently, but beneath the surface I was nervous. I wanted to keep the act going, though. I watched as they passed around the bottle, trying to open it with one hand "po americky", or "after the manner of Americans". One of the kids does gymnastics, so I'm pretty sure she's stronger than I am, but even she didn't manage to break the seal. I was in trouble.

The bottle finally made its way around to me. Here goes nothing. I gripped the top tightly and pinched the cap between my pointer and thumb. It took a little strain but I was able to break the seal. 

"Is it normal for Americans to open it that way?" asked one kid. 

"For most of us, yes."

Even though there are better ways to find people to teach other than through street contacting, we thought about it and came to the conclusion that it has some benefits. It provides opportunities for you to practice opening your mouth and sharing the gospel, which is a really useful skill in every other situation as well. 

For example, there's a man that missionaries have seen around the city a lot and have developed a good relationship with, but the first time I know of that he's been taught was when we invited him to go play ping pong with us. While waiting for our turn to use the table, we explained the message of the restoration to him and agreed to talk more about the Book of Mormon next week. You can do things with people other than just talking to them randomly on the street, just be sure to open your mouth and share the message. It can be totally natural, unless you're naturally an awkward person like I am. Even then it's fine sometimes. 

Having said that, I still think making time to go talk to people on the streets, among other things, is a good way to get comfortable with leaving your comfort zone. So that's what we did. Welcome to the hassle zone.

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