Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 38: Lightning McQuivey

Elder McQuivey is known by many names.  One of them comes from his speedy ability to get ready in the morning.  He even lets me shower first.  Then, before I've had a chance to finish shaving, he's out of the shower, dressed, and is washing dishes.  I haven't figured out how he does it.

Something we're working on as a companionship is learning to work diligently.  As a result, we've found more people who potentially have interest in our message (breaking our personal records from past transfers).  One such man was hearing out our explanation of the Book of Mormon, when all of the sudden, he said, "They don't talk about this in church."  

There were a few seconds of silence, until Elder McQuivey broke it by saying, "That's because they don't have the Book of Mormon!"

"Yeah!"  I added.  The man's name was Jozef, and he happened to have time to sit down and have a meeting with us on the spot.  We found a nice row of chairs at the train station and sat down, Jozef seated between me and Elder McQuivey.  

We began with an overview of the restoration of Jesus Christ's church, which had been lost for many centuries after the martyrdom of the apostles.  As we explained our message, Jozef was very receptive to everything we were saying, which is always a plus.  We explained the restoration of priesthood keys and authority to the prophet Joseph Smith, which gives power and authority to lead God's church and perform necessary ordinances, such as baptism and confirmation.  We explained that this church, the restored Church of Jesus Christ, was the only church with that power and authority, being led by God's prophet to this day.  

"So you're telling me," said Jozef slowly, "that my baptism was invalid?"

Leaning over in my chair, I looked past Jozef for a brief moment at Elder McQuivey, who gave me a solid thumbs up.  I looked Jozef in the eyes and said, "Yes."

Jozef said, "You're probably right.  I thought so anyway!"  

Jozef agreed to come to church, but didn't know Košice very well, which is where we hold our services.  We agreed to call so we could meet at the Prešov train station and ride up together, but for whatever reason, his phone stopped working.  After multiple failed attempts to contact him, we waited at the Košice train station, where he would have gotten off had he ridden by himself.  He didn't show up, so we'll continue trying to contact him in the future.  

Forgive my typos.  This new computer doesn't know English, so as a result, there are red, squiggly lines under half my words.  I don't even know what's right or wrong anymore.  Mom, Czech this one thoughroughly before posting it to the blog.

We think we're cool.

Tallest cathedral in Central Europe, so they say. Careful, you'll break your neck looking at it.
"Hm," I thought, "I haven't taken enough pictures this week." So I pulled out my camera and took this shot.

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